Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What it's all about!

Somedays I wonder what this journey I'm on is all about. I suppose that question is the fall-out from the work I do. I have both the privilege and the heaviness of hearing about some of the deepest pain anyone can endure.  And somedays I wonder what "it's" all about - can I really change the way people are treated?  Can I really help heal the damage; or shift a cultural thinking?  What is it all about?!?

And then I spend some valuable time with my young grandchildren and look into their trusting eyes and reaching arms and I know what it's all about.  I have to do the hard work of restoration, of becoming all I was created capable of being, so that they can!  I've got to leave a legacy that affords them the space in which to thrive in their authentic identity and impact the world as only they can.

Not one of us escapes hurtful words and actions that leave us wounded and sometimes scarred.  We accept the messages that lessen our value and undermine our self-respect, often redirecting our divine destiny.  We can't let that happen!  As hard as it is, we have to work to connect to the truth of who we are.

The journey is about connecting to our authentic identity to accomplish the purpose our presence provides!  And it is worth it!  My grandbaby's eyes say so.

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