Sunday, January 23, 2011

If I can face it, God can fix it.

Today at church I heard this statement, "If I can face it, God can fix it."  That statement resonated inside and produced both encouragement and freedom for me.   It spoke of another core element of restoration: willingness.  I'm not sure why it is that we shy away from acknowledging the hurts of our lives.  I do know that when we do so, we empower the infection from untended wounds to design our approach to life. 

In contrast, being willing to face the realities of our situations and histories empowers God to bring His truth and restoring presence to direct our approach to life. I see this picture:  You've had your back turned to your reality.  You've not wanted to know because you're not up to doing what is necessary in the moment to manage it.  You've not wanted to know because you're not sure you have what it takes to dismantle it and make a shift in your life.  That is truth - you may not have what it takes.  However, when you, with the Holy Spirit inside, turn and face it, the Spirit kicks in and teaches, comforts and provides the  strength to do what is necessary to fix it.  You are only required to turn and face it.

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